

Living with Functional Neurological Disorder.


June 2018

Change is coming.

I’ve been back on track this past week. I’m so pleased after having such a bad week previously. Unfortunately, I’m fully aware of what caused my major relapse.

When someone close to you, who you trust, attacks you at your most vulnerable it is a huge trigger of symptoms. Sometimes people say things they don’t mean and I understand that but I’m a true believer in the saying, ‘treat others how you would like to be treated’. I’m no Saint but I would never intentionally hurt someone that I care about. All that aside, I had a choice, I could either fall apart and let my illness win again or kick myself up the bum and get back to my healing journey. Thankfully, I’m so much stronger now, stronger than ever before. I’m in control of my own mind and life. I’m going to win this battle.

Time is so precious, life has a habit of flying by and too often, we don’t have time to reflect and appreciate the little moments. My eldest son turned 16 last weekend. It seems that only yesterday he was starting school. In just 5 weeks, we leave our home to set off on our exciting new journey to Scotland. Everything is coming together and I’m aware of the importance of not stressing as this will make me poorly.

I’m going to miss my life here, my friends, family and my work. My new job is going to be quite different from class teaching but I’m excited for the challenge. I’m passionate about education and learning and look forward to putting my passion into good use.

Change is hard for everyone but you can’t spend your life wondering ‘what if’. We’re struggling constantly, financially, where we are now and I don’t want to struggle anymore. I don’t want much, just to be comfortable enough to be able to afford to buy things that we need and eventually get a little home of our own would be more than enough. Sadly, those opportunities will never happen here so in order for our family to progress, we just have to give it a go!

I have the option of being referred to a specialist in FND when I move to Scotland. However, I’m not sure there is anything more that can be done. Thanks to the rehabilitation course that I had in January, I now have the tools to manage my illness myself. Yes, there will of course be ‘blips’ but I can manage them independently and in terms of my medication, when I’m ready, I can gradually lower my doses with help from my GP. Hopefully, I will continue to go from strength to strength with my amazing little family by my side.

Thanks as always for taking the time to read my story.

Charlotte xxx

The Mystery Blogger Award

The Mystery Blogger Award

Thank you so much to Rhiann from for nominating me for the Mystery Blogger Award!  I am thrilled to receive it from such a lovely lady and wonderful blogger. Her insights into the world of chronic illness help so many!

What is Mystery Blogger Award? 

“This is an award for amazing bloggers with indigenous posts.  Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates.  They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get.  This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion.” – Okoto Enigma


  • Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  • Nominate 10-20 bloggers you feel deserve the award
  • Answer the questions from the person who nominated you
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice with one weird or funny one
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

3 Things About Myself 

  1. I absolutely love music and I’m lucky enough to use it in my job as a primary school teacher. I like anything from Musicals to Rock and think it’s a great cure for anyone feeling down.
  2. I have an amazing little family (If I do say so myself). I have two wonderful boys who are quite literally, my World.
  3. I am about to make a HUGE move from England to Scotland in the hope of a fresh start. I’m scared, excited and can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

My nominees for this award are; 







Answers to Questions from are:

  1. If you were stuck on a deserted island but could have any 3 books with you, which books would you pick? Great question! I absolutely love to read. The feeling of being transported to another world is the best. The three books I would take are: The Book Thief, The Note and Me Before you.
  2. What are your favourite song lyrics? Why? My favourite song lyrics are from the new musical The Greatest Showman and the song is called ‘This is Me’ they are important to me because having suffered with a chronic illness, FND for the past 5 years following trauma experiences in my early adult hood, the lyrics sum up everything for me!
  3. What TV show are you currently binge-watching, or the last show you binge-watched? Would you recommend it? I am currently binge watching Gotham series 3 as I missed it. I love it, it’s a guilty pleasure.
  4. If you could travel back in time to any point in history, where you would choose to visit? I would travel back to the day before my youngest son was born to spend one more day with my lovely grandmother who sadly passed away the day after he was born. She was an amazing, strong lady and I really miss her.
  5. Imagine if you had to become a dog, which breed of dog would you be and why? I would be a staffordshire bull terrier because they are friendly and family orientated.

My questions for my nominees: 

  1. If you could travel to anywhere in the World, where would you go?
  2. What inspires you to write your Blog?
  3. Would you rather win the lottery and never work again or find your perfect job and earn enough to live a comfortable life?
  4. What’s your favourite colour and why?
  5. What’s your favourite food?
I look forward to hearing your answers!
Congratulations all!

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